Friday, May 31, 2013

Spinning and Running

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Does running EVER get any easier?  I have been running (or trying to) for months now, and it is just as difficult as it was in the beginning.  I feel like I am dying without oxygen.  Everyone keeps offering advice on how to breathe, yep, I tried them all, nothing has worked so far.  Also, my shins hurt...maybe that is a sign that I should go buy a real pair of running shoes, but that just isn't in the budget right now.  (No matter how much I really am looking for an excuse to buy new shoes!) There was one small success at the gym today.  I did run further than I had ever run before.  Not much further, but further none the less.

I did spin on Wednesday and LOVED it! The group of girls in the class were so much fun.  And it was so much better than just sitting at home on my bike on the trainer riding to nowhere.  That said, this weekend I need to actually get my bike off of the trainer and take it out on the road for a bit.  At least in my neighborhood.  Is it sad to say that I am a little intimidated by this bike?  The brief moments I have actually been on it on the road, it is so much faster than my hybrid that I am just not comfortable with it yet.  I am hoping all the time on the trainer will have helped with that.  I guess we will see either Saturday or Sunday. 

I haven't started swimming yet in my training for triathlons.  That is the least daunting aspect of this for me, but I am hoping to get in the pool next week.  I forgot to order goggles yesterday when I ordered a new phone case from Amazon.  I have my old pair of speedo vanquisher's, but I really want a new pair of Swedish goggles.  They don't leak at all for me, so I feel comfortable swimming in my contacts with them.  I also just kind of miss the hardcore swimming look. 

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