Sunday, June 30, 2013

What girl doesn't like shoe shopping?

I went shoe shopping!! And I found a pair!!!!

Aren't they cute?  Now here is to hoping that they solve my feet going numb issue.  I tried them out for just a few minutes on my bike this evening and it seemed to help.  The real test will be the rest of this week.  Crossing my fingers...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Vacation leading to gym woes

I went home for a week! While I was there I had big plans to get most of my workouts in (no swimming) but lots of running and weights.  I made it to the gym exactly once, and about 3/4 of the way through a weight session mom received a call that my step father was sick and we needed to go home.  Fast forward a couple of hours and they decide to go to the hospital. And from that moment on the rest of my week didn't go as I had planned.  I did learn that Teague is SEVERELY allergic to cats.  I have never seen so many hives on one person.

I missed the gym.  I never thought I would say that, but I missed the gym.  I missed Leah, my workout partner, I missed Tasha, the instructor who might be sadistic but is just as amazing, and I missed my bike.  I guess I should have taken it with me.  Lesson learned for our real vacation in September.

I am having some issues though on my bike and while at spin.  My feet are going numb. (!!!) The instructor has said to be conscious of if I am curling my toes or to just go ahead and invest in shoes.  I went back to spin today thinking about my toes.  I am definitely not curling my toes, my feet are just sliding around in my running shoes and causing them to bunch up in the toe box.  That and where the pedal hits my foot on the backside is just in a weird spot.  I guess this means that I am going to buy shoes soon.  I knew it was inevitable, but I was hoping to delay it for a bit longer.

And I may be crazy, but I am enjoying the training so much for this half that I may not want to stop at just a half!  But that is for another time.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

In the pool...finally

I got in the pool at the gym for the first time and have a couple of quick observations.

1.  That pool is HOT.  Like really hot.  Like swimming in Pulliam's pool, but hotter, for those of you from SIU.  It was a huge challenge to finish my laps and there weren't that many today.  I only did a 500, which was half as many as I wanted to.

2.  If I am going to swim, I should not do a weights class before swimming.  As I am not a huge fan of freestyle and breaststroke being my preferred stroke and that being much more arm intensive, I was dying.  The weight class was pretty rough on triceps and shoulders today with lots of push-ups, tricep push-ups, and adding a bit of weight to the bar.  My arms were dying on breaststroke, so I tried freestyle only to find that was just as bad.  My arms felt like they weighed a ton!

I only have until Friday before we leave to go to southern Illinois, so I need to get my swimming in for next week before I leave.  I won't have access to a lap pool up there.  I know Du Quoin has their pool, but after guarding, managing, and dealing with the park board for 10 plus years there, I really have no desire to ever step foot there again.  That said, I will only be able to run and bike next week.  And biking is debatable, since I am not taking a bike.  I am pretty sure that there is a spin class at the gym up there that I can join.

This could work out for the best though.  I REALLY need to focus more on running, and maybe being in a place without many other options will be a good thing. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Slacking today going to pay for it tomorrow

I slacked off at the gym today.  I only did Body Pump, which is a weight lifting class.  My plan calls for me to run on Tuesdays and Thursdays after this class, but today I didn't.  Keane has been sick. (I think it is his ears or his teeth.) I was debating taking him into the doctor this afternoon so I wanted to get out of the gym and give both him and Teague the opportunity for a nap in case I did make an appointment.  Well, I ended up not taking him to the doctor, so I wasted my gym day, and will have to make it up tomorrow.

Tomorrow is spin!  And then I will run after class...which makes it my first brick workout! I am hoping my legs hold out for it.  I went to spin on Monday and contemplated sticking around for a second class.  Riding is getting SO much easier!  That said, I still have yet to log actual miles on my bike and not on the trainer or in spin.  My plans to do so this past weekend were thwarted by weather. 

It will be some time before I actually can get out on the bike for real now.  We will be out of town for the next several weekends.  Visiting family in Charleston before they move even further away from us this weekend and then going home to Du Quoin next weekend!  I will be in southern Illinois for right at a week, so figuring out how to get workouts in while I am up there could be interesting.  I may just "borrow" moms gym pass to Robbie's for the week...I am pretty sure he wouldn't mind.  At least there I can spend some time on the treadmill.  I thought about taking my bike with me, but I probably won't go that far...